by Corey Johnson
God Wrecked you ship to save your life

This may be hard to hear, but it’s true! If we’re going to live as believer’s who fully trust God’s plan and His will concerning us, we’ve got to accept that sometimes He will block things that may get us off track. No, it’s not easy, but think about it this way: Would you rather have a shipwreck or forfeit your God-given destiny? Just let go because He did it to save your life!

Think back to all of the things that you once wanted, but thank God never happened? We don’t know it when we’re in the moment, but we can’t always see clearly beyond our desires. It can be frustrating and disappointing to see the things we want slip away, but we have to trust that something better is up ahead.

Wait, what about free will?

Yes, we do have free will, and there is always a chance that we will miss God’s instructions or warnings. But, when you’re submitted to Him, and you earnestly ask for His guidance and wisdom, He’ll provide it. However, there are times when God will allow us to start down the path that we choose before He steps in. Sometimes He will allow us to get hurt briefly to keep us from being destroyed eternally.

But this is a good thing, and He does this to save your life! Sometimes the people we encounter aren’t who they say they are, and unfortunately, only time can reveal their true nature. But, we grow from these experiences. We learn what questions to ask and what signs to look for (and run from). It might seem harsh, but God has a way of breaking our hearts to heal our souls and give us wisdom.

God is always working behind the scene.

Just like traffic, God often gives us signs to let us know when we should “slow down, stop, or exit.” But, when we ignore these signs or get distracted, we end up causing damage to ourselves and others. Thankfully though, God’s grace and mercy cover us with the blood. We may have a few fender-benders in life, and these accidents may have left us with scars, but it won’t take us out! These wrecks bless us, making us stronger, wiser, more attentive, and focused.

Remember that God always works ahead of time. He knew the end before the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). The person God has for you will bring confirmation, NOT confusion! Trust His divine timing and be happy for the wrecks you have because they actually saved your life!

When God says no, it always leads to a greater yes!

Sometimes we can get really resentful about all of the “no’s” we get, and we see them as discouragement. And, if we’re not careful, we could even become bitter. But let’s try and change our perspective on God’s “no.” First of all, let’s be happy that we hear Him at all! Isn’t it amazing that the God of the universe knows you by name and has your entire life mapped out!?

Let’s be glad that He thought enough of you to correct your mistakes! Even the ones you’re blind to. Because the truth is, you may be with a great person. They might check all the boxes, but God wants His best for you! How cool is that? If this wonderful person isn’t the one, just imagine how mind-blowing the person you’re meant to be with is!

Listen, God wrecked that ship because you deserved a yacht, period. So, we’re not going to cry over spilled milk anymore, right? You only lost that girlfriend/boyfriend because God has something else in mind. God closed that door to save your life, and that’s a blessing!

For more like this download our free ebook, “How Will I Know? 3 Signs You’re Dating the One!”

About the author 

Corey Johnson

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