by Autumn Robinson

Believe it or not, your life has always been moving forward. There’s never been a time when you weren’t heading towards something. Not when you were in school, or even when starting your career.

Your life has never been on pause

So why is it that so many people believe that singleness is any different?

It’s so easy to believe that while you’re single, your life is on hold, or that life won’t actually start until the moment you walk down the aisle. You even convince yourself that it’s a good thing, or noble even, to wait for a partner to live your life. But, there is nothing beautiful about waiting on a relationship before you start living your life.

Your life began the moment you took your first breath. It’s that simple.

You have gotten this far in life on your own, so who says you can’t keep moving forward in it alone? Any relationship that you’re convinced has pulled you out of your waiting will not be a thriving one.

We propose you guide yourself. You are the one with your hands on life’s gearshift and you can transition out of neutral whenever you please. 

The “stop and go” of God is the only one you should be listening to. The beauty of God is that, unlike people, even His “stop” and His “no” are still moving you forward. 

Yes, singleness can be lonely, but there is so much beauty in being alone. Marriage is a partnership, which means two people make decisions and move forward as a unit. When you are single, it’s only you. You make decisions that are best for you alone, and no one else. 

What opportunities have you missed out on because you believed your life has yet to begin? If you’re being honest, there are probably a few things you wish you had done and that’s why we are here to give you the push towards them.

Here are some things that maybe previously you believed you needed to wait on, but it’s time to do:

  1. Take that trip. 

Use a little bit of your savings and take that trip with your friends. There’s nothing wrong with having fun and living out experiences that bring you joy. You don’t need to be in love with someone to enjoy zip-lining through the jungle or walking the streets of Paris. These are all things you can do right now!

  1. Invest in your relationships.

This is as free as you’ll ever be again. Spend time with your friends, build your network. You will not always have this much time on your hands for impromptu lunches, late night chats, and cross-country trips to see one another. Once you are married, seeing friends becomes more and more difficult because priorities change. Use this time now to strengthen those friendships so they can withstand the distance marriage may cause later on. 

  1. Be spontaneous.

Take that job in that new city. Invest your money and time into that passion project. Go do mission work overseas. There is no one you have to check with or take with you. You can follow the call of the Holy Spirit to the places God leads you to without worrying about how it will affect your significant other.

To be single is to be free to live out your life without burden. You are not meant to live in stagnation, waiting on the grand adventure that you believe marriage will bring. These moments of freedom and minimal obligation will be so rare, and choosing to live them out now is the best decision you will ever make.

Marriage will come, and it’s wise to wait well, but waiting well means moving forward. It means living your life in its fullness until God blesses you with a spouse.

It means seizing your singleness and using this season to grow, to explore and to serve the Lord. 

Marriage isn’t the first day of the rest of your life.

Seize this season, because your life will only ever be as full as you make it. And that starts today!

Want more to live full in your single season? Download our free downloadable devotional, “Discover Your Purpose: A 4-Day Devotional For Discovering the Call of God On Your Life.” Click here!

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