by Takhia Gaither Stuckey

Have you ever been feeling down and unsure of the cause? Does something on the inside not feel right? On the surface, everything seems to be fine, but underneath, you have no peace?

Daily we see or hear news of someone who unknowingly, or sometimes outwardly, has been living in a state of depression, succumb to illness.

However, as believers, even when depression is at its heaviest, we never have to feel that we are alone, because God is always with us and there to hold us in His loving arms. In the process of the world becoming unglued and the bottom falling out, it is often difficult to hear His voice or feel His presence.

You may find yourself thinking, “I’m in so deep, how do I get out? Where do I start? Where is God?”

Here’s where to start. 

God places gifts in each of us to use for His glory and the exaltation of His kingdom. One of those gifts is counsel. It is okay — and good! — to seek the help of a licensed therapist, doctor, or pastor to get through these difficult times.

Be open to seeking assistance from someone who has been trained to help. If you are not ready to make that leap on your own, then call on a trusted friend or family member or your local church to assist with guiding you in the right direction. Keep in mind, sometimes depression can be the result of other medical factors such as chronic illnesses or certain medications, so it’s important to communicate what we are feeling with our primary care physician as well. Remember, mental health and physical health are equally important.

Patience is crucial. 

No feeling is worse than wanting to get help but having to wait longer than expected for it to arrive, especially when we’re mentally and sometimes even physically drained and empty.

It is at this time that we must activate our faith and tap into the love of the Father and ask for strength and mercy until help arrives.

Here are five scriptures that you can pray or recite over yourself to combat depression and uplift your spirit. Think on these often, post them in key places, say them in the mirror daily, record yourself and replay it when you need it (all translations are from the New International Version).

1. Psalm 23:4: Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me.

Many of us have been reciting the twenty-third Psalm forever! It’s usually one of the first ones you learn in Sunday school. In what appears to be the darkest hour, always remember we do not have to fear evil, and we are not alone. The Father is right there with us.

2. 1 Peter 5:7: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

Even if you feel no one else cares or understands, God does. Give Him your cares, your burdens, your feelings. There’s an old song that says, “Have a little talk with Jesus, tell Him all about your troubles.” God always listens, and He hears even our faintest cries.

3. John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

When Jesus died for us, He overcame everything! There is nothing in the world that we can face that He can not lead and guide us through. The power of this verse, “I have overcome the world.” We have this same power within ourselves. We can overcome the world!

4. Matthew 21:22: If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

The road to recovery is just a short prayer away. Pray for God’s guidance in selecting a counselor or a physician, and pray for the renewing of your mind and your heart. Pray for your healing. In all things pray for His will to be performed in your life. After you have prayed, activate your faith and believe.

Walk in the victory that you know is coming.

5. Philippians 4:8: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

When our minds begin to wander to things that are not going well, not pleasant, and often frustrating, it is at those moments we should stop and reset our thinking on things that are good and pleasing: the laughter or smile of a close friend, a good time we have had at an event, the faithfulness of God — meditate on the times He has shown up in your life. Even if there is nothing that we can personally find, turn your thoughts to those of the Father. Admire the beauty of a garden or artwork. Find your favorite praise and worship song and dwell in the goodness of the Lord.

These five scriptures are to help you start your journey! God’s word is full of encouragement, strength, and good things to think on.

Remember, self-care is not selfish! God wants us whole and has nothing but the best plans for us (it says so in Jeremiah 29:11)! 

About the author 

Takhia Gaither Stuckey

Takhia Gaither Stuckey is a married mom of three, teacher, curriculum writer, professional developer, and blogger. She is also a graduate student pursuing a doctorate in psychology. She loves the Lord and studying God’s Word as well as encouraging and uplifting others. Takhia enjoys writing, reading, and sharing all that she learns with others. Follow her at or IG: @takhiatheteacher

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