by TOU Editorial Staff
settle for the wrong guy

Okay, so you’re tired of waiting… and you’re tired of dating! You want to settle down and get on with your life plan. You’re ready to get married, start a family, and take baecations like everyone else! You’ve decided, this is it — if you can’t be with the one you love, you’ll love the one you’re with. But there are consequences to settling for the wrong guy, and it’s not worth it.

Sis, there is too much at stake for you to give up hope now! You deserve to have exactly what God intended for you to have… are you going to let your feelings control you? Is something always better than nothing? The answer is NO! Marriage is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Yes, it is what you make it, but it’s also with whom you make it.

Here are 3 consequences to settling for the wrong guy.
1. Delayed promise.

When we’re born, God ordains a specific plan and destiny for us — promises for our lives. But when you’re outside of His will, you’re opting out of His promise for you. The relationships we entertain can take us down paths that we weren’t meant to travel. When you’re connected to the wrong people, you’re less likely to fulfill your purpose and enter God’s rest for you.

Time is something that we can never get back, and we have to be wise with how we use it. There are certain seasons we’re on schedule to enter to receive the promises of God, but we’ll miss out if we don’t follow His instructions.

2. Losing the right guy.

When you’re out dating the wrong guy, the RIGHT guy can’t find you! Can you imagine? How awful it would it be to meet the man of your dreams… after you’re married. Settling for the wrong guy will rob you of true love, and you’ll go through life with someone else’s husband.

Did you know that God has plans for your marriage? Yep, you and your spouse are called to serve a certain group of people. But if you’re with the wrong person, you could be putting lives in jeopardy. Marriage is the biggest commitment you’ll ever make in life, and you shouldn’t take it lightly.

The man for you was designed by God to perfect holiness in you. Who he is, has the ability to sharpen who you are. If you marry anyone other than Him will probably not reach your full potential.

3. A broken heart.

Anytime you ignore God’s voice to pursue your own desire and will, you’re deciding to live with a broken heart. You’ll never experience the fullness of joy that’s available to you when you’re in the right relationship. You’re going to go through unnecessary trials and temptations because you’re trying to make it work with the wrong guy. Yes, it’s true that every relationship has its challenges, but these will be harder to overcome because he wasn’t made for you.

Listen, it’s normal to have moments of frustration when you’ve been single and dating for a while without anything to show for it. Have your moment and then let it go, but don’t give up on God yet. During those moments, pour out your heart to Him, and allow His grace to comfort you. Before you know it, you’ll meet someone amazing who will make you SO glad that you were patient.

For more like this, download our FREE ebook, “How Will I Know: 3 Signs you’re Dating the One!”

About the author 

TOU Editorial Staff

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