by Ayanna Hall
dating your husband

Marriage may be a lot of work, but it isn’t all work. Marriage can, and should, be fun.

Your husband should bring a smile to your face like no one else can. The relationship and bond you share with your husband is like nothing else — but it didn’t start the day you got married! It is so important to treasure the time you spent together before your wedding day.

When you were “just dating,” you had a lot of fun, learned a lot about each other, and grew so much together. While there is a big difference between a season of dating and marriage, being married does not mean you should stop dating your husband.

Here are five reasons why.

1. Never stop dating your husband because it keeps you connected.

With the busyness of life, it is so easy to become disconnected. Then, when you throw kids, careers, and ministry in the mix, your time becomes even more limited. It can become so easy for us, especially when we become moms, to get caught up in our own to-do lists (and managing the kids’, too).

Yet, regardless of how limited our time is or how much is on our to-do lists, in order to have strong marriages

… we have to make sure we are nurturing them and staying connected.

Dating gives you the opportunity to be together and connect without the distractions of everyday life. Doing something as simple as going out to get ice cream is a perfect way to stay connected and keep your dating life active.

2. Never stop dating your husband because it gets you out of your normal routine.

Who doesn’t love a good routine?

There is power in routine. Our lives would often be a mess without a routine, our planners, calendars, and schedules. Yet, no matter how much we (especially moms!) thrive in our routines, your marriage shouldn’t be routine.

Your marriage should always be growing and evolving, just as you are. Dating gives you the opportunity to break out of your usual routine and enjoy each other.

Dating your husband also helps to keep the spark alive in your marriage.

3. Never stop dating your husband because it allows you to experience new things together.

Who doesn’t love going new places, trying new things, and having new experiences?

Whether it’s trying a new restaurant, exploring a new part of the city, or checking something off of your bucket list, being able to share those things with someone else makes it even better and what better person to experience newness with than your husband.

Dating your husband helps you to have so many new experiences and create new memories together.

4. Never stop dating your husband because your kids need an example of a healthy marriage.

Having kids definitely changes a lot of things in your life and in your marriage.

How we use our time changes and our priorities shift. It is not just about you and your husband anymore — now you have to take care of, support, and nurture this little person (or people).

Although having kids causes a lot of changes in our lives, we should never allow it to cause us to put our marriages on the back burner.

Family time is very important, but it should not take precedence over your marriage.

Having a strong healthy marriage within your home is one of the best things you can give your kids. Our kids learn so much from our marriages and us.

Dating your husband allows them to see how important your marriage is to both of you.

While also showing them that taking time to spend time alone is important as well. Your kids can also grow to love when you go on date nights too because it gives them time with their favorite babysitter or family members. WIN-WIN!

5. Never stop dating your husband because having a “forever boyfriend” should be fun!

Enjoy the wife you married as a young man!

Proverbs 5:18

I don’t know about you, but no one really wants to be labeled an “old married couple.”

Do you want to grow old with your husband? Yes! One day you want to be sitting with your husband surrounded by your kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids, still married and loving each other.

Instead of being the “old married couple,” we want people, especially our families, to look at us and say, “They are something I aspire to be in my marriage“. As the church body — as believers — we should be the ones to set the example.

Let’s be #marriagegoals!

Dating your husband helps to continue to cultivate, grow, and nurture your marriage throughout the years, so you can continue to celebrate a love that has stood the test of time.

He may be your husband now, but you always want to carry the fun, joy, and love in your relationship that keeps him your forever boyfriend.

Dating was fun and exciting. Now, just because you got married doesn’t mean the fun of dating has to end. Remember that you should never stop dating your husband because:

1. It keeps you connected.

2. It gets you out of your normal routine.

3. It allows you to experience new things together.

4. Your kids need to see it.

5. Your husband is your forever boyfriend.

What are your favorite things to do to keep the “spark” alive in your marriage? Let us know!

About the author 

Ayanna Hall

Ayanna Hall is a stay-at-home wife and mom of three daughters, including identical twins. She is saved by grace. She loves to use her life and lessons learned to inspire and encourage wives to have God-centered marriages and live fun, joyful, and abundant lives that shine like stars. You can find more from her at her blog, 21 Flavors of Splendor, or on social media @21flavorsofsplendor

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