by TOU Editorial Staff
build a great marriage

Whether you’re already married or preparing for marriage, you’ll want to do everything you can to protect and nurture it. Listen, “happy ever after” doesn’t come easy! If you want this to last, you’ve got to show up and do the work. So, we’ve come up with a few things you need to prioritize to build a great marriage.

Before we jump into it, remember that even if things are going well, this can help you prevent future issues. Think proactive — not reactive. At TOU, we know all too well how easily things can fall apart when we don’t keep our priorities in order. Sometimes without realizing it, we get lost in the demands of life and lose sight of what truly matters.

Here are 3 things you need to prioritize to build a great marriage.
1. Keep God First.

Okay, this may seem obvious, but we’re listing this because it’s common to get too wrapped up in each other early on in marriage. This is still new and spending time with God is a little easier when it’s just you. We have a blog post on how to maintain you’re relationship with God after marriage here.

There are different points in life and marriage when it gets more challenging to keep God first, in the midst of everything else you have going on. But, you have to remember that He is our source, and without Him, we can’t do anything. Mark 12:30 says, “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”

It’s important to spend time with God together and individually. Reading and studying the word as a couple will build intimacy and strengthen your marriage. Also, attending and serving in church is a great way to keep God first as well.

2. Prioritize each other.

Stay friends! You and your spouse are together because you found something special in each other and connected in a way you haven’t with anyone before. So, when the bills are late, or you haven’t gotten pregnant yet — and it seems like all hell is breaking loose, come back to that initial place of connection and friendship.

Keep the romance alive and have sex; it’s such an important part of your foundation. Schedule date nights, take spur-of-the-moment getaways and spend time hanging out and laughing the way you used to. Forget about all the heavy stuff and chill. Turn off your phone, block out the distractions and ENJOY your partner.

Additionally, buying one another spontaneous gifts is also a nice way of prioritizing each other. So, go ahead and plan a fun surprise for your spouse, even if things haven’t been going well, and watch the sparks fly!

3. Prioritize your individual interests.

This one might seem to contradict the second tip we gave you, but it’s all about balance. When you prioritize your unique hobbies and interests, your time together will be richer. Bishop T.D. Jakes once said, “interests make you interesting.” Don’t be one of those couples who can’t let each other out of their sight. It’s healthy to have some breathing room.

Hang out with your friends, visit family, spend time by yourself and remember that you are not only someone’s spouse. You’re still YOU, and that’s a good thing. Yes, in marriage, we become one, but not at the expense of our identity. Your personality, ideas, flaws — everything in you has merged with everything in them. You should embrace your differences.

These three practical tips will cause love and grace to flow in your marriage. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Enjoy the journey and have FUN!

For more like this, download our FREE ebook, “5 Stages of a Relationship Done God’s Way.”

About the author 

TOU Editorial Staff

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