by Kiara Potts

The world is constantly changing and full of distractions. And, with so much going on, we need to find ways to MAXIMIZE our time with God. This is the most beneficial part of our day but it can still be difficult to get the most out of it.

Because, if we’re honest, staying disciplined is a struggle — but how can we expect God to enlarge our territory and give us an abundant life if we’re not focused during our daily devotion? 

Our God time truly sets the tone for our lives, so let’s maximize it!

Here are 3 steps that you can take to begin maximizing your time with God.
Step 1: Posture your heart for sacrifice.

Jesus understood the necessity of entering God’s presence with a heart of sacrifice. He approached the throne of grace willing to do whatever God instructed, despite His own discomfort — and was determined to do God’s will (Matthew 26:39). 

We’ve gotten so used to asking for what we want and need, but what are we willing to give up? What are we sacrificing so that God can move in the way He desires to move? 

Let’s follow the example of Jesus and approach God with a heart that says, “thy will be done.” 

Step 2: Remove all distractions.

Okay, so we’ve come to God with a heart of sacrifice, now we need to focus on His presence by removing all distractions. 

If we’re busy thinking about who is texting us or how many likes we’ve gotten on our last social media post, we can’t hear from God clearly. We need to block everything out and give God our undivided attention. 

So, be sure to turn off the TV, silence your phone, turn down the music, and take in the complete stillness of God.  

Step 3: Invite Him in.

After we approach God with a heart of sacrifice and remove all distractions, we have to invite Him in. Our free will gives us the ability to turn away from God, and so, He still needs an invitation. This means we have to make the conscious decision to ask Him to speak with us. In doing so, we’re giving Him permission to have His way.

Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” When we position ourselves the right way, by seeking God FIRST, there is absolutely nothing we will go without.

Be sure to take these three steps in your daily devotion time, and give God full reign to meet you where you are.  

Try saying this short prayer to get started:

God, I humble myself before you now. I come to you with an open heart and mind, free of distraction. Father, I ask that you cleanse my soul from all that will keep me from your presence. I desire to have YOU more than anything else. May YOUR will be done. In Jesus Name Amen.” 

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About the author 

Kiara Potts

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