by Kiara Potts
overcome worry and anxiety

As human beings, we all face situations that challenge us at times. But, no matter what we go through, we can overcome worry and anxiety. Stress takes a serious toll on our bodies and since we can’t avoid it, we have to learn how to manage it.

We have the ability to stay calm and collected no matter what is going on around us. When we consider that God is in control and everything is working together for our good, we’re able to take courage and handle whatever comes our way.

Here are the 4 steps to overcome worry and anxiety.
Step one: Define the problem. 

So many times we allow fear to make us freak out and blow things out of proportion. You may need to take a minute (or a day), to gather your thoughts and look at the problem rationally.

There are some things we can help and others we can’t, but you first have to look at the situation for what it is. If there is anything you can do, even if it’s inconvenient, do it for your own peace of mind. But, if there’s nothing you can do, just let go and let God.

Step 2: Recondition your mind. 

To overcome worry and anxiety in a practical sense, we must recondition our minds! These internal attacks distort our vision of reality and once you understand that, you can change it.

To be free from this thinking, we have to acknowledge and redirect those thoughts to the truth in God’s word. Then over time when you face trials, your mind will go straight to the scriptures and skip those negative emotions altogether. 

Step 3: Pray about it.

Take time out to talk to God about what’s going on. This one is easy for us to overlook because when your dealing with worry and anxiety it can be hard to focus on prayer or even articulate what your feeling. The good news is that God already knows anyway!

When you go to God and let everything out, it frees you. Knowing that He loves you and has a plan for your life is comforting in times of chaos. Even if you need to have one of your accountability partners intercede for you, do it.

Step 4: Let Go.

Letting go can be difficult because it’s natural for us to want to figure things out. But, Philippians 4:6 says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything...”

Nothing we face is outside of the scope of God. Everything is minute compared to His power and He’s just waiting for us to give it over to Him. Letting go is a show of trust. Not only that He can, but that He will come in and bless the situation.

It’s easier said than done, but you have to be patient. The thing about our life struggles is that you stand to learn a lot more about yourself and your endurance than about what’s actually happening. So, take the opportunity to grow through it.

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About the author 

Kiara Potts

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