by Kay King
ready to date

Breakups are always tough. The healing process can be grueling, and as much as you may want to move forward, it takes some time. So, how will you know when you’re ready to date again?

You’ll want to be sure you’re not rushing into things or dating out of fear of being alone. The last thing we want to do is hurt people by wasting their time. Plus, if we’re not completely ready, we may not be as discerning as we should be.

Putting yourself back out there is a big step! Here are a few ways to know if you’re ready to date again.

1. You’re not bitter about your ex

This means you’re not stalking their social media, you’re not calling to argue or sending aggressive texts. No more overthinking about what went wrong or constantly bringing up the situation to your family and friends. Listen, it’s perfectly fine to vent, but after a while… you have to let it go.

When you’re truly over your ex, you don’t care if they’ve moved on. You’re happy for them — or at least have some peace about the breakup. Your not jealous, and there are no unresolved feelings. But, if you are still feeling this way, it’s understandable. You just need more time to heal, and there is no shame in recognizing that you’re not ready to move on!

2. You’re not interested in rebounds.

Do you know what a rebound is? A rebound is someone you use to get over the last person you dated or to prove a point. So many of us turn into serial daters after ending a relationship. Dating randoms (someone not sent by God), in an effort to feel more desirable and build confidence.

Rebounds are emotional coping mechanisms that have harmful effects. This can be very subtle, and sometimes you may not even realize you’re doing it. That’s why self-awareness is so important. When you’re ready to date again, there won’t be any games or need to distract yourself. You’ll be completely healed and able to offer your whole self to someone.

3. You’re happy with who you are.

Being happy with who you are is key! when you’re happy with yourself, you make choices that will keep you happy. You won’t make decisions that are destructive, you’re focused on living your life in purpose.

At this point, you’ve learned from past mistakes and pinpointed your must-haves are and your non-negotiables. This makes finding the right one so much easier! You know what you want and you’re more willing to wait patiently on that person. They say God shows up when we least expect it, so focus on living your best life and let Him work.

Go with the flow.

Be determined to find peace and contentment in your life as it is before you get into a new relationship. When you do, it takes the pressure off of finding the one and helps you to enjoy the process of dating. Don’t worry, your person is right around the corner.

For more like this, download our FREE ebook, “5 Stages of a Relationship Done God’s Way.”

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